visual designer

San Francisco Marathon Athlete Guide 2024

Athlete guide emailed to over 30k participants as an interactive tool to navigate the course, expo, weekend and touring the Bay Area. As you scroll down the page you will see the final individual pages of the fifty page document (apologies, the links that appear in the PDF pages work very well in the actual PDF but are inoperable here).

The SFM is a race known for its beautiful world class course, picturesque vistas and quintessential San Francisco culture and vibe. The race and setting are as inspiring as the community and history of San Francisco. The course takes you through the many culturally and historically significant neighborhoods that make up San Francisco's diverse culture. Runners get to start off their morning crossing the world famous Golden Gate Bridge, running under the towering Redwoods of The Presidio, past the crashing waves at Ocean Beach, through the lush Golden Gate Park, and past many other SF landmarks and cultural hubs. It was therefore, paramount that this guide embody elements of the aforementioned landmarks but also, be easy to access, use and comprehend with helpful links and resources that cohesively communicate the SF Marathon history and brand.

In the middle of this page I have included the concept round Figma desktop screen captures. The process began with a brief and kick-off. From there, I created some concepts based off of my interpretation of the brief, specs, brand guide and past explorations and designs. At the bottom of the page are clickable tiles of the final digital PDF pages.

After one review round we landed on the concept direction and I began building out the PDF in INDD and pushing the design of the project with image selection, editing and cropping inside of a similar wave shape to the header. I also suggested adding an easy "Back to TOC" button that would make it quicker for users to navigate the entire PDF by using the Table of Contents more effectively. Something I haven't seen in other race guides. Partnering with the content and copy teams, we successfully brought copy and imagery together to engage and delight participants and tell a cohesive SFM brand story and experience.

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